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slcview News

September 15, 2003 - Release of slcview 2.0.

Two new features are (1) the ability to specify default options in configuration files, both system-wide and user-specific; and (2) auto-scaling of gene/array trees/labels based on your data. Also, this release includes all the important functions in a Perl module, so it should be relatively straightforward to embed clustergram drawing into any program you're writing in Perl (and C, if you're a little more advanced).

Select the "Download" link on the navigation menu to the left to get the new release.

August 29, 2003 - Got hit by Sourceforge server disk failure. New web site seems to have been recovered ok now.

August 22, 2003 - New web site design. slcview version 2.0 is almost ready also!

March 16, 2003 - Download slcview version 1.1.2  Click here to see a brief description of changes.

March 13, 2003 - Mailing list for slcview updates:

Exploratory clustering server.   Trouble with clustering options? Not sure how they will affect your output? Try this web page.